Harold M Proshansky, Abbe K Fabian, and Robert Kaminoff, “Place-identity: Physical World Socialization of the Self,” in Journal of Environmental Psychology 3, (1983): 57-83.
Proshansky, Fabian, and Kaminoff describe how identity forms, develops, and evolves not only in response to interpersonal and social experience, but is simultaneously affected by one’s experiences with objects, things—and most central to the article—environments. The significance of home, school, work are explored as well as the how seemingly disadvantageous physical environments can be redeemed through positive social experiences enacted within them. Life changes and environment are also considered. An array of references, dating back as far as 1890, are cited in this dense piece.
Harold Proshansky
Photo: City University of New York
It is spooky to see my old mentor staring back at me from this page - and Clare as well! The power of the visual is prodigious!